
SWBF: EA Reboot by DICE => Star Wars Battlefront: EA Reboots 1 and 2 => Topic started by: Giftheck on June 26, 2019, 02:24:18 PM

Title: Droidekas, IFT-X (TX-130) and Capital Supremacy for Naboo added
Post by: Giftheck on June 26, 2019, 02:24:18 PM
Anybody playing after today's update? We've got droidekas! And TX-130s!

Naboo's a nice map to play Capital Supemacy on. It's set at dusk on the streets surrounding the Main Arcade (no Palace interior). This is the map I've been looking forward to most since I adore the Naboo aesthetic.

As for the Droidekas, they are a tad underpowered but they otherwise control quite well. Droidekas are an Enforcer unit, joining the Super Battle Droid, Wookie Warrior, Death Trooper and Flametrooper (the Droideka doesn't replace the SBD, so it's actually a second Enforcer). The TX-130 Tank is of the Armor class, same as the AT-RT, AAT, AT-ST and LIUV, and like the Droideka it doesn't replace the AT-RT, acting as a second Armor class for the Republic. I haven't had a chance to play as the TX-130 yet, but it's single pilot (no turret).

In other news, in August we're getting info on a new PvE mode, as well as Felucia being the next planet to be released (a brand new map designed for Capital Supremacy). In spite of its rocky start, this game is starting to shape up.
Title: Re: Droidekas, IFT-X (TX-130) and Capital Supremacy for Naboo added
Post by: Gold Man on June 26, 2019, 07:13:13 PM
Hey, what a coincidence!

I just so happened to get this game last night on my PS4 (because $8 price for PS Plus users), and awoke to another download this morning, which was this new update!  (100GB base game download... oof)

Anyways, only played one round of Capital Supremacy on Geonosis thus far, but from what I'm seeing this is definitely shaping up to be a great game! Droideka's felt fine for me (being on the receiving end of those blaster bolts), but seeing as I'm out of shape with the franchise, everything feels nice! Again, haven't played much, but from what I've seen of the new content for this update, it all looks awesome!

(Didn't mean to twist the topic (if I did), but still enjoying the game and new update! :D
Title: Re: Droidekas, IFT-X (TX-130) and Capital Supremacy for Naboo added
Post by: Unit 33 on June 27, 2019, 01:36:57 PM
Yeah it's real good.

Droidekas operate best in groups, they're a great asset to squads or random small groups around choke points.
Like heroes, they're a massive distraction for the enemy and can fire off enough damage for effective area denial. They're great at flanking too.

Their weakness is certainly that they can't strafe well or take cover, and concentrated fire will take care of them quite quickly, similar to a vehicle classes. 

TX-130 plays great, seems more manoeuvrable than the AAT.

I'm still really enjoying this game and the recent update is just fab.
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