
Modding for the Original SWBF1 and SWBF2 => Requests => Topic started by: Disciple on March 16, 2012, 12:49:59 PM

Title: REQUEST COMPLETED: I need help making custom cross hairs.
Post by: Disciple on March 16, 2012, 12:49:59 PM
I`m here to ask if anyone in here can help me to make a common.lvl,i want to make one with 2 that i already have,1 of them is for a crosshair and the other is some new lasers effects.Thanks   :D  :tu:
Title: Re: I need help please!!
Post by: Led on March 16, 2012, 01:18:50 PM
I suggest you get sleepkillers builder:

then put in your TGA etc and munge.

Title: Re: I need help please!!
Post by: SleepKiller on March 16, 2012, 02:12:33 PM
http://www.swbfgamers.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=295 (http://www.swbfgamers.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=295) I'd recommend BattleBelk's one. Smaller Download. If you just want to mess with common.lvl.
Title: Re: I need help please!!
Post by: Disciple on March 17, 2012, 06:00:24 AM
Yeah,I have this on my computer,I`m really new into this and I would like to have a Tutorial saying everything i need to do. Thanks,I hope you guys can help me. :confused:
Title: Re: I need help please!!
Post by: Led on March 17, 2012, 07:06:29 AM
By learning how, I think you will be better off in the long run.  You might get some initial frustration, but I think you would get the hang of it quickly.

Since you have the common.lvl builder, then

Start with this:


Basically, you need to find the right file to paint you new cross hair for.  I don't which file is for the unit you want, but someone here will know.

You will need a painting program.  A lot of people like GIMP.  It is free:

Load the TGA file and re-paint it.  Be sure to save it with RLE compression turned OFF.

run the munge.bat file

replace the newly created common.lvl with your existing one.  Be sure to back up your old file first.

Give it a shot, let us know.

Title: Re: I need help please!!
Post by: Disciple on March 17, 2012, 08:45:02 PM
Thanks Led/Buckler and Sleepkiller with the help,I had no time to make all the crosshairs but I got the sniper one to work and  I`ll try to do the rest tomorrow,when I get it working I`ll post the screenshots and try to make the common.lvl with crosshair and shell.Thanks,anything add me in xfire: ironwolf07g
Title: Re: I need help please!!
Post by: Disciple on March 18, 2012, 10:39:15 AM
As I said,here are my new crosshairs,some are not easy to see but I hope you like.


Title: Re: I need help please!!
Post by: Led on March 24, 2012, 05:11:38 AM
very nice!

if you care to share you assets, please make a TGA pack and upload it here.  It would not be necessary to upload the common.lvl file  ;)
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