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Messages - Mac

Quote from: "El Chupacabra"...woah. Didn't realize how many people still like SWBF 1...

A lot of people still do. There are a ton of great maps. :)
I am no modder, but that's so cool!
Requests / Re: PARENTS MOd
February 07, 2009, 07:13:43 AM
Quote from: "Thomas"You can try doing something in CoD 4 (they have a dog skeleton in the game)

Or perhaps the CoD4 dog skeleton would work in SWBF?

By the way, if you want to say something important, put it in bold.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Link napseeker
February 07, 2009, 07:12:13 AM
That doesn't make much sense... Napseeker's files come in .rar format when you download them. Basically, a .rar is a compressed file. You should have expanded them. Search your computer again.
Requests / Re: PARENTS MOd
February 06, 2009, 03:36:35 PM
Quote from: "Master Verik"sure they are cute BUT THEY HAVE A HIGHLY IRRITATING NOIS

I doubt a dog's skeleton would fit the game...

By the way, it's spelled noise.

I'm really sorry guys, but I'm really sick today. I can't host it. And yes, this DC will never have a password to it.
Quote from: "Satellite"Out of curiosity, what is the BoPC fix for the ZeroEditor?

BoPC is short for Best of PC. It's a game package for PC with a few great games for PC, including SWBF. Apparently, Zeroeditor doesn't recognize BoPC's SWBF so Pi made a very simple fix.

There's a download link on filefront.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Welcome Center / Re: Hey bubs
February 03, 2009, 07:27:49 PM
Oh god, jk. Welcome back Sarg.
Quote from: "Thomas"I am also confirming that ZE doesn't work on VMware Fusion. I doubt that it'll run on Parallels either.

It didn't run at all. Try installing boot camp if you really want to.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mandalorian Wars Mod
February 03, 2009, 05:03:59 PM
*jaw drops downward*

Quote from: "The_Pi"still won't work, since the negative scores would just get worse and worse. Multiplication, division, and exponents won't work with this at all

Also, instead of going with the average we could go with the median score, since one person with a super high score could boost the average to second place.

Or, if we really wanted to be mean (no pun intended), we could just give them the lowest score of the round.

I guess we could go with the mean score, but that would be a pain in the butt for some people. They might have a super good round, but then lose it to some mediocre ones. I think we'll have to stick with something more basic.
Quote from: "breakdown"I know how to use Napseekers map without custom maps and most fixed collisions, but I don't ant to without his permission.

@TTJ/others: It's source files, not scourge. :P

Oh, lol. I knew source files were something. I didn't recognize scourge. xD

Anyway, if anyway can contact Napseeker that would be great!
Thanks Pi!

How about instead of dividing negative scores you multiply them by the number or rounds? Or is that too unfair?
Quote from: "Ryanoceros"I don't have those maps, or I would have already included them.
If you have a link for those maps, I'll be happy to add them to the list?

Many of these maps are no longer found on the net anywhere, so I can't provide links for them all.
I may get around to adding links for the ones that are still active, but that's something for a rainy day... or rainy week as the case may be. :P