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Messages - Dark_Phantom

Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: Start up bug
November 29, 2019, 01:55:48 PM
Might need to replace your shell.lvl (need to know what version first) as well, after you answer Led's questions
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: Start up bug
November 27, 2019, 08:54:17 PM
Did you get the game from steam?  If so, I would redownload it - sounds like the shell file is corrupted.
We have always toyed with the idea, but nothing has really materialized.  The problem comes in where there is really no standardized way to keep track of the mods other than how the game handles them.  Maybe we still will someday, but it's not a priority.

Also, for argument's sake, the limit is 50 (each era of a map takes 1 slot).
Team 0 can't spawn in.  There's no code to back it up, for player or AI.
If you hack yourself onto team 0, you can see the units, but they can't spawn.
Ok, well that's better than I expected - That's probably all it will take, unless you can trick the game into taking another one using one of the teams listed.
I know you're not going to like this, but here's your team choices:
BF1 Case hex lines - From SecretSociety
Team.cpp(84): case 0x8c4b1ad8: /* "neutral" */
Team.cpp(85): case 0x269992eb: /* "neu" */
Team.cpp(88): case 0x1d083cc0: /* "alliance" */
Team.cpp(89): case 0x13254bc4: /* "all" */
Team.cpp(92): case 0x2c5f5065: /* "empire" */
Team.cpp(93): case 0x93e73ca1: /* "imp" */
Team.cpp(96): case 0xc7836fe1: /* "republic" */
Team.cpp(97): case 0x2cf46160: /* "rep" */
Team.cpp(100): case 0xf387c5d6: /* "cis" */
Team.cpp(104): case 0x791be6a1: /* "locals" */

Your hard-coded choices are right there.  What does this mean?  Anything else will be ignored by the game- and I don't even know if icons will work for locals because I haven't tried. 
BF1 is not very forgiving in a lot of aspects.
edit: Neutral is team 0, for those keeping score at home.  Only team 0 can have white cps, but team 0 has no code to be able to spawn in.  Source: Actually have tried this.
I don't know how they did it in BF2, only what I know about BF1 (and I've never tried it, only what I know from digging into the theory)-
You can put whatever color you want in the com_holo_controlzone1/2/3/4.odf, however, it will only work the way you want if you take "aligned" out and swap it with "build" which if I remember correctly is the only other option.  However, when you do this, you lose the changing command post colors when they swap sides.  The icons would still be ok I think.

The options NeutralColor/FriendlyColor/EnemyColor/LocalsColor do nothing, they aren't mentioned in the BF1 (or 2) case hex lists.  All of that functionality is in the exe, and thus would need changed there.  I've hunted for it in Cheat Engine, but haven't found it.

Command post colors in BF1 are hard-coded.
The "aligned" property defined for Holograms determines the color, which is in the exe.
Released Maps and Mods / Re: BF1 PS2 shell munger
November 20, 2019, 08:20:01 AM
If you are doing this to add new maps, you'll want this download as well.
PS2 MVS builder:
It is a big download because it has all the videos from PS2 in it, ready to compile using munge.bat

Already includes: pandemic_logo.pss, tat3fly.pss
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Localization tool won't load...
November 20, 2019, 05:00:19 AM
So I was having this problem in a different build - you are running a bat file right?
Try editing the bat file to cd (change directory) to your localization tool's folder.  So something like "cd ToolsFL\"
Then run localization tool, then cd back to original directory.  I can't remember for sure if I am remembering the right fix or not.

I'll have to look just to make sure that's the way I did it later... bat files after XP were really unhappy with implicit pathing.
Hello there.

I don't know of any way to add mods to a PS3 in general (even with JB, which we won't get into), but 99% of the mods here would need to be redone for PS2 compatibility if you intended to use them.  Anthony_BF2 is the person to ask - he deals with console mods the most out of us.
Released Maps and Mods / BF1 PS2 shell munger
November 14, 2019, 09:47:21 PM
BF1 PS2 shell munger;sa=view;down=1526

This does as it says, it munges the PS2 shell.
I will be updating this download, but I know there are some people that wanted to get started working with it.  There are a bunch of files that still need reconciled but it is usable.  Please read the Readme to get started with your PS2 shell mods.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: The "Strange things" Thread
November 14, 2019, 10:53:15 AM
Possible, yet impractical as you lose mouse control for no reason.  It seems that it overloads into the mouse functionality after 5 eras.
Nice to see you again Snake!  Glad to hear you're doing well!
It's nice that this had an impact on your future Ty294 - it's interesting to hear what people did after leaving the scene as well.

My story maybe isn't as interesting.  BF1 was not my first experience playing online - I was playing JK:DF2 back about 2001-2002, made some friends, settled on a screen name for eternity.  I was familiar with the modding scene and mod maps of the game, but never truly learned how to do it (I knew the terminology and the tools and where to download them.  I'm sure I played 100+ mod maps in DF2.)  MSN Zone went down and that was pretty much the end of that (except I still played single player and checked out new MP maps).

Skip ahead, I started playing on PS2 when BF1 came out in 2004 - I was and still am a huge Star Wars fan, like most of you here.  I loved it, played it with my brother and friends, never really got tired of it.  BF2 came out and I played it all the time on PS2.  In 2006 I got it for PC, played online for a little while, backed off when I started playing American football and other organized sports.  We then have to skip ahead to 2009, when I had a lot of free time and picked the game up again.  I never stopped after that.  I joined the clan scene in 1.0, learned about the wonders of 1.2, but ended up sticking with 1.0 except on special occasions.  However, I did start picking up modding the game in 2010, which led me here.  At first it was just to download mod maps, then it was for the knowledge and the tools, then for the community.  I've never been particularly apt at a lot of the aspects, but I did effectively create a basis for my programming knowledge by modding this game.  I already knew I wanted to go into the technology field but now I had a lot of stuff to build off of.  I've always been fascinated at how to "break" the game's engine, or make it do something that somebody hadn't thought of or attempted.

I went to college, graduated, got married, got a tech job, living the dream.  As of now, the game is still a big part of my life, as it's how I started speedrunning and streaming, which has become a fun part of my days.  I still mod the game, although maybe in a less visible aspect - I have various projects going on, and it's really stretching my programming skills to the limits.

TLDR; Joined, never left, became admin, hope the server doesn't go down. :cheers:
Released Assets / Re: TCW Dogma, Hardcase and others
November 12, 2019, 12:39:38 PM
Looks like a dropbox link.  Someone will have to have to reupload - that's the problem with not storing them here :)