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Messages - kinaster

SWBF1 Modding / Mission.lvl
October 21, 2023, 06:33:00 PM
There a method for creating your own mission.lvl file for modded maps that are addons? Specifically those that were ported from BF2?
Quote from: Led on September 14, 2023, 02:59:38 PMNot sure about the fix, but i think there is already a model somewhere;sa=view;down=373

Ok, I've got that figure out and get her all set. I also found a general grievous by the same guy who did Aayla and using him for CIS. I'm having an issue though where the unit name on the selection screen ins't showing as Aayla Secura or General Grievous but a bunch of random letters and numbers. How do I fix that?

EDIT: I think I figured it out with the core.lvl editor thing by sleepkiller, but the game loads up as a blank screen and I can't see anything. How do I fix that?
Oh sweet! I'll have to check that out.
I'm trying to convert Aayla Secura from BF2 to BF1, and I got it working for the most part, but I'm not sure how to go about fixing this issue with her lekku's hanging down to the floor like in the picture.

((if the image doesn't work: ))
SWBF1 Modding / Edit Unit and Reinforcement Count
August 31, 2023, 02:10:25 PM
I've never attempted to make a mod for this game before, but I do use one that lets you play as the Jedi, however they also changed the unit and reinforcement count, I've tried looking through the tutorials here but didn't find anything. Is there a way to edit a mod so I can change the reinforcement count and units per side count?