The Final Update - Scarif and The Age Of Rebellion Supremacy and Instant Action

Started by Giftheck, April 28, 2020, 02:58:04 PM

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Well, Star Wars Battlefront II has its final content update tomorrow.

The update brings the OT to Supremacy, with five maps - Scarif, Yavin IV, Hoth, Tatooine and Death Star II. The big change here is that these are 'ground phase only' maps, but because of that, you can play these maps with starfighters.

Instant Action will get these maps, and a new Missions mode. Missions is offline co-op, so that means that all but Crait will be playable in Instant Action.

Skins-wise, we get Twin Suns Maul from Rebels, Hooded Episode 9 Ren, two new Rey skins (trigger warning: one is the finale skin Rey Skywalker, with yellow saber), and Sith Eternal Palpatine. Speaking of heroes, because Palpatine now has an ST outfit, he's playable in the Age of Resistance maps, as is Chewbacca.

Don't hold your hopes up for a Star Wars Battlefront III: most of the DICE Devs have now officially left the Star Wars Battlefront team to work on Battlefield 6, which is due for release next year. EA has said Battlefront III is not in their plans. There will likely be tweaks and fixes to be made in the near future, though new content is done.
In Progress:

--Star Wars: Battlefront - "Sixth Unit Restoration Project"
--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition Update 2.0
--SWBFEA Demakes

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps

damn what a shame was hoping for ahsoka ventress mace windu
mods and maps in progress:<br />--Bf1 expanded edition 3.0 version
-- bf1 tcw battles
-- bf1 seasons mod season 1
-- bf2 expanded edition tbh

It had a good run, I suspect development on the next Battlefield + covid has brought us to a more abrupt ending than some hoped, but i believe the devs really won back the player base with the excellent support post-launch.

Quote from: Unit 33 on April 29, 2020, 02:08:46 AM
It had a good run, I suspect development on the next Battlefield + covid has brought us to a more abrupt ending than some hoped, but i believe the devs really won back the player base with the excellent support post-launch.

I agree with this. It's kind of poetic that it goes out on Scarif like the previous Battlefront, but unlike that game, we have a lot of the DLC content offline as well, so that's awesome too.

Since the devs have now all moved onto BF6, I hope they can give the same attention that SWBF2 has had - Battlefield desperately needs it, and if it gets it, it too can become a great game.
In Progress:

--Star Wars: Battlefront - "Sixth Unit Restoration Project"
--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition Update 2.0
--SWBFEA Demakes

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps

i like this update from what i understand there will still be patches and events just not major dlc like suppremacy or heroes.
mods and maps in progress:<br />--Bf1 expanded edition 3.0 version
-- bf1 tcw battles
-- bf1 seasons mod season 1
-- bf2 expanded edition tbh

I'm good with this being the last update I guess. There is always more the fans could request ( New heroes, new maps - Umbara!) but in the end, DICE offered free content for over 2 years which is a pretty good job. I hope when Battlefront 3 does get released whenever that is, I hope they port most of the Battlefront 2 content and build on it. Because starting from scratch would be annoying. It took 2 years to get to this point. Let's not start all over again.

I do have one complaint though - they've got to fix the arc trooper before they leave the game. They ruined him last month by changing the way his guns work. He was the best unit in the game before but now he's unplayable.

am afraid they arent changibg that
mods and maps in progress:<br />--Bf1 expanded edition 3.0 version
-- bf1 tcw battles
-- bf1 seasons mod season 1
-- bf2 expanded edition tbh

There's always a lot of talk about Battlefront 3, but in my opinion, that title is cursed. We almost had it once, but then it got cancelled.

I don't think we'll be getting a Battlefront 3, it honestly makes no sense to cancel support for Battlefront 2 right when it was just starting to get good again. If EA had given DICE time to implement some sort of monetary system that could earn the game more money, like PAID DLC, or something like that. Then I think the community wouldn't have minded.

They left the game in a strange state:
- Tons of bugs that were meant to be fixed haven't been fixed.
- Maul's new skin requires 5000 kills (No assists) and a large chunk of the community dislike this.
- Maul's new skin isn't actually that accurate, according to some of them. His rebels appearance doesn't show much of the robotic legs, since at that point in time, he had them changed.
- They made Grievous too powerful, his claw rush destroys blaster heroes.
- OT Supremacy is underwhelming since it only lasts 1 round (Due to no capital ships) and the Empire stomps right through the Rebels in almost every match.
The years just fly past, don't they?