Star Wars: Battlefront Legacy - Phase II (Version 0.9)

Started by Giftheck, December 26, 2017, 03:02:58 AM

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Quote from: 411Remnant on January 05, 2018, 01:19:49 PM

I think the detpack does not work as well as it should and that's not your fault. I think the way it is right now doesn't work as intended or is a little unconventional since the ai also doesn't use it like you probably intended it to.(Like the ai will use it as a mine and since it doesn't detonate unless you set another one, most of the time the detpack will blow up if an ai unit decides to place around the perimeter or its hard to use it yourself if your trying to blow someone up) Ive tried to use it and while I see the work around you had to make it pretty similar to the battlefront 2 version, I don't think its quite there yet. I think you would probably be better off making a new mine or grenade based on the EA iteration and at least that way its easier to use/make, plus the ai would use that better I would think.

hi, i havent read your post till now: The trigger of the detpack is not working like the detpack in swbf2 with the left mouse button. You have to press the "r" key to make it explode. If you  press the left mouse button, it only makes a small explosion because you can only use one pack at a time and the old dissapears like if you use to many mines. I find it unsusal, that the same key which reloads you first weapon triggers a second. But its is important to have your weapon loaded as often as its possible  ;)

Because the Detpack was never actually implemented in stock SWBF1, the last thing it was bound to is the reload button - it's hard-coded AFAIK.  I'm not sure there would be a way to change this at this time.
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Quote from: Unit 33 on November 29, 2014, 03:44:44 AM'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.