OverrideTexture Compatible Units

Started by tirpider, October 25, 2012, 11:53:15 PM

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October 25, 2012, 11:53:15 PM Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 04:50:20 PM by tirpider
OverrideTexture Compatible Units
(OTC units)

The goal of this series is to give all the playable units OverrideTexture compatability for convienience and consistancy in modding and side building.

(read more of my rambling here:)[spoiler]
A side effect is that it gives me the opportunity to address functional issues of some of the shipped assets.  Several of the models have unneeded hidden  geometries, defunct materials, stray polygons, ect.  Some I can fix, others I can't.   I will be aproaching each model with the intention of normalizing the preformance of all of them as a whole.

I will also be working on the Star Wars Battlefront II units.  The modifications I wil be making will be guided toward SWBF1 compatability.  They will still work with SWBF2 (as all SWBF1 models will, ) but added features, such as cloth, special collision chunks, and certain render types will be removed and a suitable repacement made with SWBF1 standards.

Almost all of the models will be identical in appearance and preformance to the originals.  The idea is that these can be used in place of the originals to enhance the flexibility of modding and side building.

Some of the changes to expect:

  • All units will be OverrideTexture compatible to varying degrees. (Including lowres models.)

  • Cloth geometries in BF2 units will be replaced, and suitible replacements found or fabricated.

  • Certain models will be "prepped" for ambitious hex-edits. (head swapping, ect..) I will also be saving my build environments for each. Contact me if you would like to explore one.

  • Random repairs. I'm just starting and every other msh has something that keeps it from it's full potential.
    (before 'repairing', I always try to determine if the part is intentionaly like that or if the fix will make it worse. I will always err on the side of preformance.)

  • Everything will be documented.  If you want to know what I did to a model, read the txt file included in it's archive.  If it doesn't make sense, ask me what it means, I'll be happy to explain.

I may not be able to do all of them for a variety of reasons, (Time, complexity, unavailability of cloth replacements, lack of testing capabilities,) but I will try to get to as many as I can.

As the project advances, I will be looking into the other side mshs (such as weapons, vehicles, and 1st person models) and assembling side builders for each of the sides the models are sourced from.  The animated player units should keep me busy for a while, so it will be some time before all that starts.

The recent posts won't alert you to each new unit (it was flooding the assets forum,) but I will bump this thread as milestones, such as a completed side, are reached.

v2 Update Notes:
Almost all the units had hard to detect problems. (Only one person reported it), but I resolved the issue with every unit anyway. Adding some "just-in-case" adjustments to the method used to do these OTC edits to prevent future issues.

Future units will wear the _v2 on thier archive name to indicate they have been rebuilt with the improved method, and if I need to update the method again, it will become _v3 and I'll adjust existing releases before moving forward again.

This will be very likely as I discover new methods of geometry conversion. But the OverrideTexture part will probably always be the hardest and a "by hand" process.

_v2 changes:
- reindexed MNDX fields. (it should import via ZETools now.)
- removed faulted animation tags (my fault from an error in an earlier program, not Pandemic's)
- normalized all weights
- rebuilt, the rebuilt triangle lists, and padded as needed.
- re-calculated padding on string values.


The unit downloads can be found under the spoilers in the next section, and in the OTC Units area in the downloads section of this site.

The Units

ALL - Rebel Alliance (23 of 27)(the last 4 are on hold)
SWBF 1 units
unit  status - notes
- Luke Skywalker(Jedi)_v2           d/l ready
- Rebel Marksperson_v2              d/l ready
- Rebel Marksperson (snow gear)     (use Rebel Marksperson with OverrideTexture = "All_Inf_marksman_snow.tga" in it's ODF.)
- Rebel Pilot_v2                    d/l ready
- Rebel Snowtrooper_v2              d/l ready
- Rebel Soldier_v2                  d/l ready
- Rebel Fleet Trooper_v2            d/l ready
- Rebel Medic_v2.1                  d/l ready Updated Skin (Thanks, Unit 33!)
- Wookiee_v2                        d/l ready

SWBF 2 units
unit  status - notes
- Bothan Spy_v2                     d/l ready
- Chewbacca_v2                      d/l ready
- Han Solo(Smuggler)_v2             d/l ready
- Han Solo(Stormtrooper)_v2         d/l ready
- Luke Skywalker(Jedi)_v2           d/l ready
- Luke Skywalker(Pilot)_v2          d/l ready
- Luke Skywalker(Stormtrooper)_v2   d/l ready
- Luke Skywalker(Tatooine)_v2       d/l ready
- Princess Leia                     not yet - she needs a proper skirt
- Rebel Engineer_v2                 d/l ready
- Rebel Marksperson                 not yet - needs scaling and a neck/head skeleton adjustment
- Rebel Marksperson (snow gear)     not yet - needs scaling and a neck/head skeleton adjustment
- Rebel Pilot_v2                    d/l ready
- Rebel Snowtrooper_v2              d/l ready
- Rebel Soldier                     Stock Unit is OTC with no need to edit.
- Rebel Vanguard                    Stock Unit is OTC with no need to edit.
- Tantive IV Trooper_v2             d/l ready
- Wookiee                           not yet - testing dreadlock solutions

CIS - Confederacy of Independent Systems (5 of 14)
SWBF 1 units
unit  status - notes
- Battle Droid_v2       d/l ready
- Count Dooku_v2        d/l ready
- IG-88                 not yet - CodaRez fixed this one up better than I think I can.  I'll still work on it, but later rather than sooner.
GT link :*Improved* Stock IG-88
- Super Battle Droid    d/l ready
- Droideka              not yet

SWBF 2 units
unit  status - notes
- Battle Droid          Stock Unit is OTC with no need to edit.
- Count Dooku           not yet
- Darth Maul            not yet
- Darth Sidious         not yet
- Droideka              not yet
- General Grevious      not yet
- Jango Fett_v2         d/l ready
- Magnaguard            not yet
- Super Battle Droid    not yet

EWK - Ewoks (0 of 2)
SWBF 1 units
unit  status - notes
- Ewok 1   not yet
- Ewok 2   not yet

SWBF 2 units
unit  status - notes
- Ewok 1   not yet
- Ewok 2   not yet

DES - Jawa and Tuskens (1 of 2)
SWBF1 & SWBF2 units are identical
unit  status - notes
- Jawa             not yet
- Tusken Raider_v2 d/l ready

GAR - Naboo Royal Palace Guards (1 of ?)
SWBF 1 units
unit  status - notes
- Naboo Royal Palace Guard   d/l ready

SWBF 2 units
not yet

IMP - The Galactic Empire (24 of 24) (revising 1)
SWBF 1 units
unit  status - notes
- AT-AT Commander_v2.1    d/l ready
- AT-AT Pilot_v2          d/l ready
- AT-ST Pilot_v2          d/l ready
- Darktrooper_v2          d/l ready
- Darth Vader_v2          d/l ready
- Imperial Pilot_v2       d/l ready
- Imperial Scout_v2       d/l ready
- Imperial Snowtrooper_v2 d/l ready
- Shocktrooper_v2         d/l ready
- Stormtrooper_v2         d/l ready

SWBF 2 units
unit  status - notes
- AT-AT Commander_v2        d/l ready
- AT-AT Pilot_v2            d/l ready
- AT-ST Pilot_v2            d/l ready
- Boba Fett_v2              d/l ready
- Darktrooper_v2            d/l ready
- Darth Sidious_v2          d/l ready
- Darth Vader_v2 (revising) d/l ready
- Death Star Gunner_v2      d/l ready
- Imperial Officer_v2       d/l ready
- Imperial Pilot_v2         d/l ready
- Imperial Scout_v2         d/l ready
- Imperial Snowtrooper_v2   d/l ready
- Shocktrooper_v2           d/l ready
- Stormtrooper_v2           d/l ready

REP - The Republic Army (1 of ?)
SWBF1 units
SWBF2 units
unit  status - notes
- Ki-Adi-Mundi_v2 d/l ready

I've yet to catalog/start the following sides.
GAM - Gammorean Guards
GEO - Geonosians
GUN - Gungans
JED - Jedi
SNW - Wampa
WOK - Wookiees

Tools Used in these edits:

  • 3D Object Converter 5.0(unregistered) (3D model viewer/converter)
  • AEdiX v3.0.5 (text editor)
  • OpenOffice.org Calc v3.4.1 (spreadsheet)
  • XVI32 v2.52 (hex editor)
  • AutoIT v3.3.8.1 (scripting language)
  • My MSH tools built with AutoIT (TagSizeValidator.exe, MSH2chunks.exe, chunk2MSH.exe, SWBF_MSH_INFO.exe, and now SchMEe.exe)
I went through a lot of tools to find that the above suited my process (and budget) best.
Their features either supported my skills or compensated for my ignorance.

If you would like me to jump ahead to a specific unit, let me know. I have no set order to do these in.

Treat these models in the same way you would the stock models as far as crediting and usage is concerned. It's all Pandemic's work, I'm just hilighting things and adding the OverrideTexture to them..
Visit http://www.swbfgamers.com/

I just want to stress how amazingly great this whole project is.

I REALLY love your project Tirpider, There should be a modder of the year award!

Don't eat me for correcting you, but:
QuoteGAM - Gamorian Guards
GAR - Naboo Royal Palace Guards
GEO - Geonesians
GUN - Gungans
JED - Jedi
SNW - Wampa
WOK - Wookiees

Gammorean* for Gamorian Guards
Geonosians* for Geonesians[/spoiler]
May the force be with you!

December 01, 2012, 01:32:40 PM #3 Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 01:34:50 PM by tirpider
Thanks :)
I'm getting side tracked a little, but I was going to slow down on the models for the holidays anyway. (Burnout Prevention)

If there is one you want to see next from any of the stock factions, don't be shy :P
I dig opening them up.

Right now, I'm in the middle of the BF2 Rebels. Some are going to have a delayed release. Specificly Leia. I am not pleased with the cloth workaround I have for her and may end up making her a new skirt.

The Empire is done except for issues I have been putting off regarding BF2 Vader's texture.

I really want to get started on kama/helmet/head/pack variations on several of them (Starting with Jedi Luke cause I know he will get the most play ;) ). Thats waiting till I have a healthy supply of heads and helmets from across all the factions.  (Wierd silly stuff too, like a Stormie with Naboo Gaurd's Hat.)  Not so canon, but fun fun fun.

Also have some ideas about addon-less capes. Weighted to the normal skeleton like the lowres. (this would help the unruly wookiee dreads as well.) But that's waiting till I can get models back out of Milkshape and into the game.  Mapping wieghts "by the numbers" is just psycho. I need the pointy-clicky for that.

@RC , hehe, I'll fix that now.
I'll be the first to admit my spelling is awful.. Stay in School Kids :P

=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

December 02, 2012, 01:13:41 AM #5 Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 02:29:41 AM by UNIT 33
I just noticed the SWBF 2 Rebel Pilot download is incorrect: "OTC_BF2_Rebel_Pilot.png" (It's just a picture of the model, not the assets)
I don't know if that has happened with any others, so far the other ones I have downloaded are fine.

This is completely off topic. But did you know that you can actually save your textures in .pic format and the munger will accept them? Seemed kind of relevant.

Quote from: UNIT 33 on December 02, 2012, 01:13:41 AM
I just noticed the SWBF 2 Rebel Pilot download is incorrect: "OTC_BF2_Rebel_Pilot.png" (It's just a picture of the model, not the assets)
I don't know if that has happened with any others, so far the other ones I have downloaded are fine.

Whoops, indeed.  Thanks for pointing that out.
This has happened with others, but I corrected them just after uploading.
It's fixed now.

Quote from: SleepKiller on December 02, 2012, 01:54:40 AM
This is completely off topic. But did you know that you can actually save your textures in .pic format and the munger will accept them? Seemed kind of relevant.

I keep running across "no_icon.pic" references in the TX0Ds. Ususally in materials used for the shadow or hidden bone elements. I've been removing the reference(just the TX0D, not the material), but yes, at some level in development they were using pic format.  I think they just forgot to remove it as the pace picked up in the office.

Thanks for the amendments tirps'.

Now nothing can stop my skinning spree!

Quote from: SleepKiller on December 02, 2012, 01:54:40 AM
This is completely off topic. But did you know that you can actually save your textures in .pic format and the munger will accept them? Seemed kind of relevant.
Hmm, are Targa and *.pic formats related somehow?...
*five minutes later*
I just checked, and I do not have an export for *.PIC on my tool :O
Are you using GIMP by any chance?

First proper bump.

There are 2 relativly complete sides. IMP and ALL.

The Rebel Alliance side is at a point that requires fixes that have been sought for some time. So this is as close to done as I can get it at the moment.

IMP is complete, but a revision of BF2 Vader is comming up.

The next side is CIS. It's a small one and I'll probably save the Drodeka for another time since it has an abomination for a skeleton.


Not the end of a side, but signifigant.

Just updated the Alliance BF1 Wookiee.

I wasn't going to rebuild him at first, but then I noticed the different bandoliers for the high and low res models.
I couldn't let that go.  So now we have a pack of wookiees.

There are 3 models in this one and I wrangled the textures together from across the stock ALL and WOK sides.

Some of the body tgas need an alpha channel added so that the fur is see-through in the right spots, and they vary in size.  I'm not exactly pro at fixing tga's. If anyone can restore them to stock-but-better condition, I'd love to add them to the distribution.

If you just pair the textures together as numbered, you have a pack of 21 wookiees.


I'm sure you have noticed the blunt end of updates to this post.  There are several reasons, but I just ran across a big reason.

I'm rebuilding the tools I was using to do this and have found some errors that my old process was introducing to the msh files.  All the files released so far have been tested in game and I didn't see any failing points, but structurally, there is damage.

A known side effect that I already have fixed but havent released is non-sequential MNDX numbers.  This prevents these (and most all other msh files I have hexed) from being imported into the Softimage Mod Tool via Ande's ZETools.

Ther may be more errors that block it.   I found some truncated BLN2 chunks in some OTC units, but I don't believe ZETools imports animation data with the msh files.   However, a fouled BLN2 would prevent the MSH from being used as a basepose when munging a new animation.

My arrogance prevented me from seeing the errors in these files.  They should work, like I said, I tested them all before release.  But I will be reprocessing and updating these guys when the new tool is feature complete.

The up side is that I caught the mistakes and a new tool that doesn't require crazy spreadsheets is on the way.

-end update

I added this notice to the first post as well.
Thanks for your patience, folks.

I have updated the units and the method used to edit them.

All but 3 have been updated. (The Rebel Snowtrooper, Rebel Soldier, and the BF2 Rebel Snowtrooper.) They require a little deeper look than the others did.

v2 Update Notes:
Almost all the units had hard to detect problems. (Only one person reported it), but I resolved the issue with every unit anyway. Adding some "just-in-case" adjustments to the method used to do these OTC edits to prevent future issues.

Future units will wear the _v2 on thier archive name to indicate they have been rebuilt with the improved method, and if I need to update the method again, it will become _v3 and I'll adjust existing releases before moving forward again.

This will be very likely as I discover new methods of geometry conversion. But the OverrideTexture part will probably always be the hardest and a "by hand" process.

_v2 changes:
- reindexed MNDX fields. (it should import via ZETools now.)
- removed faulted animation tags (my fault from an error in an earlier program, not Pandemic's)
- normalized all weights
- rebuilt, the rebuilt triangle lists, and padded as needed.
- re-calculated padding on string values.

I am sure that most folks won't have noticed the issue, but I urge anyone that was using the earier versions to update their files to remain consistant with the OTC series.

You sure have some indefatigability there Tirps. I am running out of words to praise you with.

I won't be annoying and directly mention the SWBF2 Marks lady as I usually do, let me ask this, would you like a new skin for the Rebel Medic and accompanying backpack?
Otherwise I'll probably upload it anyway once it's done.