Breakdown's Modding Guide [PC- Only]

Started by Hardcore, January 22, 2009, 06:35:13 PM

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January 22, 2009, 06:35:13 PM Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 04:57:19 PM by Led
Hello Everyone!..

If you are interested in modifying Lucas Arts Star Wars: Battlefront video game for the Personal Computer, you have come to the right place. :)

This Modding Guide will be a tutorial for those just starting modding on PC (For Macintosh users I believe Jedikiller has a tutorial pinned in this forum). You can find Jedikillers Mac modding tutorial HERE

I will first start off with the basics, ie: installing the correct programs, basic tutorials on ODF editing etc.

Over time I will add more advanced guides. If you have any questions you need answered and you feel I would be able to asnwer them ( ;) ) feel free to post them here, and I will answer to the best of my abilities, and add it to a FAQ section in this main post apart from the main tutorials. :)

Guide 1: The Basics

Ok! Here is a step by step instructions on all the programs you need or should have, if you are interested.

Step 1

Download the BFBuilder application with updates already installed.

You can download the application HERE. (Click this sentence and you will be directed to the download page.)

which includes BFbuilderPro, BestofPC registry fix (you must run the registry file), 1.2 unit updates, 64 bit munge batch file fix, and Tim Skillmans MSH viewer.

For reference, here is the 64 bit munge instructions if you have trouble with this on windows 7 (from Bamdur)

To munge on a 64 bit pc:

1. Open Bfbuilder
2. Select Munge
3. Type @set path=C:/windows/system32
4. Type munge
5. Let it munge
6. Get your map out of Bfbuilder/addon folder


Download the .rar file into your main disk drive. Most commonly the drive is C:/

So when it asks you where to download the files onto your computer, select "MyComputer/(C:/)" or whatever your main drive is.

Once it is downloaded (it might take a bit of time, depending on your computer), open up My Computer , then proceed to Local Disk (C:/), find your BFBuilder .zip or .rar and right click, and select "Extract Files". If I remember this might take a while as well. When it it does extracting make sure:

Make sure that your BFBuilder folder is located in Local Disk (C:) or other drive, do not place it in Program Files, because it the batch files won't work if there are spaces in the folder names.

Should look similar to this, not exact but similar.

You got that?

Ok next step.

Should look similar, not exact, to this: (sorry for blurryness, but it should give you the idea)

Good! Those are the basic steps to downloading the main BFBuilder applications!

[size=14]Guide 2: Simple SIDE Editing[/size]

Hey! This is how to do simple side editing!

Go into your BFBuilder application (refer to guide one for installation help), and double click "0 BFBuilder Pro".
Select the "Project" Tab, and select "New Project"

You should get this:

Enter the map's title (even if it's not going to be a map), and enter a modID. Now select "create new world". Wait a few moments.

When it says done press OK. Instead of hunting for the folder, re-open the BFBuilder window, it should have changed and now have tabs saying "Edit" "Sides" and "Sound",  "Edit (ModID)" "Localize (ModID)"..etc.

We're only going to bother with the "Sides" for now. For the sake of the tutorial we will just be making a simple Republic Side edit, which should give you an idea how to make other mods.

Click the "Sides" tab. Then click "Import Retail Side". Select "REP" and wait.

ALL = Alliance/Rebels
DES = Desert Factions (Jawa's, Tuskens)
EWK = Ewoks
GAR = Naboo Guards
GEO = Geonosians
GUN = Gungans
IMP = Imperials/The Empire
REP = Republic
SNW = Don't bother this one, it only contains a REQ for an unfinished side
WOK = Wookies)

When it is done importing, select OK. Now, you can minimize the BFBuilder for now and go into the BFBuilder folder. Find the folder "Data(ModIDhere)"

Double click it, go to "Sides" folder, select "REP" and select "ODF".

Now you'll see a folder full of strange files, these are ODF's, or Object Definition Files. ODF's are almost the base of the game, they are what characters, objects, guns are made in.

Before you begin click happy exploring, right click inside the folder, select Properties, and uncheck "Read Only", so now you can edit the ODF's and save them.  :)

Now, find the ODF "rep_inf_clone_trooper". Double click to open. To some at first this may all look like a jumbled mess of words, don't worry, you'll understand it soon.

We'll be making a few edits to the clone trooper. Editing weapons will be explained in the next tutorial.

Now, in the Clone Trooper ODF, scroll down to a line that says:

QuoteMaxHealth    = 300.0

This line controls the units health. Let's make him a bit more full of life. change the "300.0" to "500.0". Do not remove he quations or anything else in that line.

Now, the clone troopers health is 200 points higher than average :D

To make the unit faster, go to these lines:

QuoteAcceleraton   = 70.0
MaxSpeed   = 6.5
MaxStrafeSpeed   = 4.5
MaxTurnSpeed   = 4.0

And fiddle around with "Max Speed" and "Acceleration". NOTE: Setting these too high will make the units almost slide around instead of walking, if I were you only make adjustments 20 or less for acceleration and 3 or less for speed. You can experiment with it hoever you please.

Now, right below there should be all this:

QuoteWeaponName1   = "rep_weap_inf_rifle"
WeaponAmmo1   = 4
WeaponName2   = "rep_weap_inf_pistol"
WeaponAmmo2   = 0
WeaponName3   = "rep_weap_inf_haywiredetonator"
WeaponAmmo3   = 3
WeaponChannel3  = 1
WeaponName4   = "rep_weap_inf_crackgrenade"
WeaponAmmo4   = 2
WeaponChannel4  = 1

These are the Clone troopers weapons. WeaponChannel if set to 1 will set the weapon to be a secondary weapon. Ammo is..well..ammo.

Now, remove the "rep_weap_inf_pistol" line and change it to "rep_weap_inf_torpedo_launcher". Now our clone trooper will have a torpedo launcher.  :thumbsup:  Set the Ammo to whatever you want.

I think that should be good for now! Save the file, if it doesn't let you do what I said to do before (right click inside the folder, select Properties, and uncheck "Read Only")

Ok, now go back to main "Data(ModIDhere)". The one with the folders "Sides" "Worlds" "Shell", etc.

Double click the "Clean" button. A black window will appear really fast and dissapear. Then select "Munge" and double click it. A black window with text writing in it will appear again. This one should stay for a while. Wait until a "MungeLog.txt" window appears, exit it out, and exit the black window then go back to the BFBuilder Folder.

NOTE: The cleaning and munging procedure is needed everytime you want to compile a mod

In the BFBuilder folder open up AddOn. The only folder in there should be a folder with your modID in it. Double click it.

Then go to Data, _lvl_pc, and side. inside the Side folder there should be a rep.lvl inside. If not..well you did something wrong.

Now copy it, and install like a normal mod, remember to back up original rep.lvl and open the game :D (Sorry no mod installation guides here)

If all worked out, you should have a Republic Clone Trooper with more health, slower or faster depending on what you did with speed, and a rocket launcher instead of a pistol!

I hope you understand some basics now!

[size=14]Guide 2.1: Closer Look at ODF's[/size]

Hi! In this guide we will look at a character ODF, weapon ODF, and an "ord" ODF, and I will explain what most of the lines mean.

Taking Apart The Character ODF:


QuoteClassLabel    = "soldier" -- Explains itself ;)
GeometryName   = "rep_inf_arctrooper.msh" -- This is the model of the character

FootWaterSplashEffect  = "watersplash_sm"  -- These are basically just the effects used while in water
WaterSplashEffect  = "watersplash_md"
WakeWaterSplashEffect   = "watersplash_wade"

UnitType   = "assault" -- I don't think this really has a purpose..
IconTexture   = "rep_gunner_icon" -- I believe this is the icon that appears near the health bar
MapTexture    = "troop_icon" -- This is the "arrow" on the MiniMap
MapScale    = 1.4  -- I think this controls the size of the MiniMap arrow

GeometryName   = "rep_inf_arctrooper" -- The other part of the model
AnimationName  = "all_inf_snowtrooper" -- The characters animation, this includes all the basic motion stuff
FirstPerson   = "REP\reparc;rep_1st_arctrooper" -- Selfexplain
FirstPersonFOV   = "70"
ThirdPersonFOV   = "65"
GeometryLowRes   = "rep_inf_arctrooper_low1" -- The low resolution model, so this is what it will look like in, well low resolution or far distances

OverrideTexture  = "rep_inf_arc_blue" -- Textures/models that go over the model, only some models have Override compatability.
OverrideTexture2  = "rep_inf_arc_pack_blue"

CAMERASECTION   = "STAND" -- Camera stuff..never bothered with it really, try for yourself

EyePointOffset   = "0.0 1.8 0.0"
TrackCenter  = "0.0 1.8 0.0
TrackOffset   = "0.0 0.0 3.5"
TiltValue  = "5.0"


EyePointOffset   = "0.0 1.8 0.0"
TrackCenter  = "0.0 1.8 0.0
TrackOffset   = "0.4 0.05 2.8"
TiltValue  = "3.5"


EyePointOffset   = "0.0 1.3 0.0"
TrackCenter  = "0.0 1.3 0.0
TrackOffset   = "0.0 0.15 3.5"
TiltValue  = "5.0"


EyePointOffset   = "0.0 1.3 0.0"
TrackCenter  = "0.0 1.3 0.0
TrackOffset   = "0.4 0.2 2.8"
TiltValue  = "3.5"


EyePointOffset   = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackCenter   = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackOffset   = "0.0 0.0 3.0"
TiltValue  = "5.0"


EyePointOffset   = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackCenter   = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackOffset   = "0.4 0.2 2.8"
TiltValue  = "3.5"

HealthType   = "person" --Health points
MaxHealth    = 300.0

Acceleraton   = 70.0 -- Speed, don't make stuff too high or the units will slide
MaxSpeed   = 6.0
MaxStrafeSpeed   = 4.5
MaxTurnSpeed   = 4.0

WeaponName1   = "rep_weap_inf_torpedo_launcher" -- This was explained in Guide 2
WeaponAmmo1   = 4
WeaponName2   = "rep_weap_inf_pistol"
WeaponAmmo2   = 0
WeaponName3   = "rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator"
WeaponAmmo3   = 3
WeaponChannel3  = 1
WeaponName4   = "rep_weap_inf_mine_dispenser"
WeaponAmmo4   = 4
WeaponChannel4  = 1

AimFactorPostureSpecial  = 50 -- :unsure:
AimFactorPostureStand   = 100
AimFactorPostureCrouch   = 140
AimFactorPostureProne   = 160
AimFactorStrafe    = 60
AimFactorMove     = 70

HurtSound    = "rep_inf_com_chatter_wound" -- Sounds
DeathSound              = "rep_inf_com_chatter_death"
AcquiredTargetSound     = "rep_inf_com_chatter_acquired"
HidingSound             = "rep_inf_com_chatter_hide"
ApproachingTargetSound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_approach"
FleeSound               = "rep_inf_com_chatter_flee"
PreparingForDamageSound = "rep_inf_com_chatter_predamage"
HeardEnemySound         = "rep_inf_com_chatter_heard"
ShockFadeOutTime        = ""
ShockFadeInTime         = ""
ShockFadeOutGain        = ""
ShockSound              = ""
ClothingRustleSound     = ""
LowHealthSound          = ""
//LowHealthThreshold      = ".25"
FoleyFXClass            = "rep_inf_trooper"

// squad command VO
SCFieldMoveOutSound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
SCFieldHoldSound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_hold"
SCFieldFollowSound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_follow"
SCDriverGetInSound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
SCDriverGetOutSound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
SCPassengerMoveOutSound   = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_spreadout"
SCPassengerStopSound   = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_stop"
SCPassengerGetInSound   = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
SCPassengerGetOutSound   = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
SCGunnerAllClearSound   = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_allclear"
SCGunnerSteadySound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_stop"
SCGunnerGetInSound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
SCGunnerGetOutSound  = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
SCResponseYessirSound   = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_yes"
SCResponseNosirSound   = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_no"
//ChargeSound    = "rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_charge"

// AI squad command VO
AISCFieldMoveOutSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
AISCFieldHoldSound   = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_hold"
AISCFieldFollowSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_follow"
AISCDriverGetInSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
AISCDriverGetOutSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
AISCPassengerMoveOutSound   = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_spreadout"
AISCPassengerStopSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_stop"
AISCPassengerGetInSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
AISCPassengerGetOutSound   = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
AISCGunnerAllClearSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_allclear"
AISCGunnerSteadySound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_stop"
AISCGunnerGetInSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
AISCGunnerGetOutSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
AISCResponseYessirSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_yes"
AISCResponseNosirSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_no"
AISCGunnerGetOutSound  = "ai_rep_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"

AISizeType    = "SOLDIER"

DropItemClass    = "com_item_powerup_ammo" -- Probability to drop h/a
DropItemProbability  = 0.40
NextDropItem    = "-"
DropItemClass    = "com_item_powerup_health100"
DropItemProbability  = 0.30
NextDropItem    = "-"
DropItemClass    = "com_item_powerup_dual"
DropItemProbability  = 0.10


I will add Guide 3: Simple Weapon Editing Tutorial Soon.

NSFAQ (Not So Frequently Asked Questions)

How To Remove Character Arrows on a Mini Map

Go into your character ODF, find the line MapTexture       = "troop_icon".
and remove the "troop_icon" line or whatever is there so it looks like this MapTexture       = ""
(Thanks Dresh for PMing me this question, I hope you don't mind me adding it here!)


How to mod on a Mac

You can find Jedikillers Mac modding tutorial HERE

After your mod is finished, put it in your game Addon folder
see this post for details

-Breakdown    |
SWBF1 Modder|
QuoteSow the wind and reap the whirlwind
Through the rain and through the shine
Only something with a meaning can stand the test of time

Hi Modders,

Since most people are using win 7 these days, can we list the tricks needed to get the mod tools to work with Win 7 ?
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

  :confused:Evrey time i hit "Create New World" Its an error, Is tre a soution to that?

follow the steps exactly, including the installation directory.
Post questions in the mod factory please, and use the search function to help you find answers to your questions.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Hi plz help me every time when i hit edit a error shows it say runtime error  :confused:  if you can plz help me Thanks

Quote from: {TcF}Recon{BG} on August 14, 2012, 02:02:24 PM
Hi plz help me every time when i hit edit a error shows it say runtime error  :confused:  if you can plz help me Thanks
This can show you how to make new projects folders manually it is a lot of work but totally doable.

By any chance do you guys/girls think that this stuff will work on a 2004 Dell computer with Windows XP Professional on it, because I am having some newer games like SWBF2, and other applications also that are not that old, that will not work on this computer.

I am wondering this because my laptops harddrive died, and they are not sure they will be able to recover anything off it. Also my Dad tryed to help get it open to look at it, because he knows how to fix computers, and he said it was like parts of the laptop where melted togather, because he couldn't get it to open.

It works perfectly on XP.

Be sure to follow the installation direction very carefully and precisely.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Am I supposed to extract it from the Program files (BFBuilder)? or what does it mean by extract?

Because I downloaded it to my desktop, I was wondering because I want to make maps, so I got to learn how first.

Also do you really need the empier side fix if I already have SWBF 1.2?

Also I don't have the best of PC SWBF game, I have the original disk, do I then need a different fix for it if something happens then?

Also the fixes should fix up the right folder, the one I made right?

Sorry about the many questions that I have, I am new to this.

The reason I want to learn how to make maps is because I have some great ideas for some maps to make, That and I want to make a special map for some of my friends!

>Am I supposed to extract it from the Program files (BFBuilder)? or what does it mean by extract?

The file is compressed you need to uncompress it.

>Because I downloaded it to my desktop, I was wondering because I want to make maps, so I got to learn
>how first.

Download it to your desktop, but make sure it gets installed in the correct place.

>Also do you really need the empier side fix if I already have SWBF 1.2?

Yes, you need it.  The tools come with 1.0 sides, so you will want to get the update.

>Also I don't have the best of PC SWBF game, I have the original disk, do I then need a different fix for it if
>something happens then?

It should work.  But it you have trouble let us know.

>Also the fixes should fix up the right folder, the one I made right?

The fixes replace the files that are there.

>Sorry about the many questions that I have, I am new to this.

>The reason I want to learn how to make maps is because I have some great ideas for some maps to make, >That and I want to make a special map for some of my friends!

We are glad to have a new mapper.  Remember, this won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Um yea I got another question yet, I was wondering is it okay if there are more files in there that are compressed?

Will it mess it up?

The other thing is, I am wondering where these following folders are for, and if I need to extract the files, because they are Compressed/Zipped Folders.:






Also what kind of file is this supposed to be? Because my Windows XP doesn't reconize what Application, or know what Application is needed to open it.:

IMP_side_builder (Battlebelk's IMP Side Builder).7z

(Thanks so much for helping you guys! I think you guys should get awards for being big help to people!)

All the files except the 7z are zip files inside the main fixes zip you've downloaded.
You must extract the main one (which you did) then extract all of those individually.
They should all have readme.txt with them, but here's directions anyways:

BFBuilderPro (WIP030605): Extract 0 BFbuilder Pro.HTA into /BFBuilder/ Folder. Should be like ../BFBuilder/0 BFBuilder Pro.hta

Boundaries fix: This goes here: ..\BFBuilder\DataTEMPLATE\Editor\Data\Config\editor\boundary
DataTemplate is the template for all BFBuilder made maps (any new map you create is just renamed version of this and modified file references respectively towards your map ID and name), Editor folder is folder that zeroeditor.exe uses to load up and execute stuff. Data/Config/ is the folder containing scripts zeroeditor.exe uses, and boundaries gz editor init script zero editor looks for when you edit boundaries. The old script/file crashes unexpectedly, but the one you download is a replacement that fixes some script inside it, therefor no crash. [/spoiler]

Particle Editor goes here: ..\BFBuilder\ToolsFL\Bin and replaces old one. (Old one crashes)
[spoiler]You won't really need this unless you want to create new effects, which is beyond a lot of people. It's relatively simple in comparison to any other 3rd party editor that you can find on the net..[/spoiler]

Premunged Sound Configuration goes here: BFBuilder\Data\_build_pc\
[spoiler]Not entirely sure what it fixes, it seems it was already covered in the package I download.. I don't work with sound..[/spoiler]

Zeroeditor Update goes here: ..BFBuilder\DataTEMPLATE\ and replaces old one.
[spoiler] Again, not sure what it fixes, but it's good.[/spoiler]
*.7z files are 7Zip files. It is a very efficient type of compressed file (better than RAR or zip..), with loads of compression options and quick compression and decompression (fast extraction times).

Its a VERY useful tool to have, and I use it quite a bit myself. You can get the tool here:

One last question and then I will be done getting my BFBuilder updated.

Is the Sound update supposed to go here? Because there was not an existing sound folder there.

Premunged Sound Configuration goes here: BFBuilder\Data\_BUILD_PC\
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also where is the Empire sides update supposed to go?

And if you update the zeroeditor, do you then also have to update the SPTEST, and do they go in the same folder?

(Sorry it is taking me so long, but I have been busy latly.)

Correct about the sound config.

Imperial 1.2 updates are /MSH/ and /ODF/ folder that you can find in battlebelks imp side builder (../Sides/IMP/MSH/ and ODF/)

And you will want to copy those two folders (and overwrite) to ../BFBuilder/Assets/Sides/IMP/
[spoiler]When you 'Create a new Side' or 'Import retail Side', the HTML application of BFBuilder takes the side assets from the BFBuilder assets folder to save loads of space instead of putting it in Datatemplate, which would put all the sides in every project you create.[/spoiler]

I doubt the MSH/models change in any game play altering way (from 1.2 at least), but you're copying those just to be safe. The ODF assets are what you really want though, because there are quite a few weapon and unit configurations that are changed with 1.2 update of SWBF.