Leaving the Web

Started by Ultimo, July 27, 2014, 07:00:16 AM

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I have traveled far, and seen much...

Well, not as far as some but I think I'm about done.

I'm thinking about giving up the internet life. For real.
No more forumming
...you get the idea

Honestly thinking about only using my PC as I need to for life, with a limited slice of online gaming, of course.
I'm still going to complete that Colonial pack I'm working on, however.

Now that I'm finally getting to mature points in my life, doors have opened for me and I have many opportunities to do things that I couldn't before. It's wonderful, and the lack of these opportunities is what's kept me buried into my computer for the last 6 years.

Using the internet as I have has been a big chunk of my life, and a bit of a sentimental one. I do tend to make friends, and as a friendly person, it's tough leaving them out, whether I really know 'em or not.

I'm really curious what all of you have to say, if you have anything to say. If I decide to go, it will be in at least 1/2 months from now.

Sad to see people quiting swbf1 and
Quote from: ᏌᏞᎢᎥᎷᎾ on July 27, 2014, 07:00:16 AM
No more forumming, chatting, blogging, posting
Hope you do well in real life  :cheers:
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The internet is a highly useful tool, there's no reason to cut it out completely if you're capable of self-discapline and time management.

The internet is a wonderful place. As long as you make friends with the right people.
Its great that you have opportunities you have never had before.
you know what they say. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Good luck out in the real world! I hear its much more rewarding than the internet!

I must've been really tired when I posted this... last night was a long night.

I didn't mean to make it seem like I'm leaving for sure- Because I'm not sure about anything yet.
I really do have a great time with this community and others I'm involved with.
I hate leaving it all behind but I have such a desire to be spending my time more wisely Getting the Job I want instead of Playing Games I Like my whole life.

I mean, let's face it, it's better for me in the long run if I do get that job I want, but am I making this decision a little early on? I mean, I'm only 16. I have a few years to still enjoy doing things, but then again, I also have better things I *could* be doing.

July 27, 2014, 06:14:05 PM #5 Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 06:16:41 PM by Jamman
I dont think any gamer should give up something they love for fear of falling behind or not having a successful life. My parents always tell me that I spend too much time playing games but you know what. The guys I work with or sorta under are in their upper 20s/early 30s and they play/stream every weekend. And a bunch of them are married and have a job and living in the good ol' Usa. So im going to assume they are successful at life. 

I dont plan on stopping anytime soon. Im 19 and my life is just starting.

Simply put, Don't Leave!
You're a polite and aggressively dynamic player with the respect of all of us.
Embrace the opportunities set before you in life, you must!
Hopefully you will be able to multi-task, enabling you to keep you're friends and be successful in you're career.
Life is fun , suck it all up.

Important Update:

My dad is going to begin removing just about every form of internet access I have. (Besides for school, of course.)

I'll be gone for a month- maybe two.
Maybe I can check this forum from time to time.
